Great Island Oysters
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These oysters are available for delivery THIS WEEK ONLY. Please select your delivery date at check out accordingly.
Farmer: Rulon Wilcox and Brad Smith
Location: Uncle Robert’s Cove, Great Island MA
How they’re grown: These are Nantucket Sound wannabes. They have a ton of that pure brine that is found in ACK oysters. The growers purchase seed from Stephen Wright, the only Chatham grower. They keep the seed growing in floating gear until they are big enough to be moved to trays and bags to finish their grow out. The grant covers 4 acres. How they taste Balanced brine with a ton of texture. These babies are plump and full of personality. Think Nori butter, spring-dug parsnips and hen of the woods Mushrooms. Yum Gimme some!
Why they’re unique: This location is ridiculously beautiful. It is a peninsula that you can wave to when you take the ferry to Nantucket. Pristine marshlands protect the area and give these oysters a ton of flavor. Great Island is an actual place that juts into the Nantucket sounds and points towards ACK. On the peninsula, there is a small cove where these oysters are grown.
Size: Petite
Story: This farm has been around since 1982! Rulon was the OG farmer here and Brad has slowly taken over for him in the past few years. Rulon has actually known Brad since he was a kid when Brad became interested in shellfish farming in his teenage years. Rulon is still Brad’s mentor, but Brad is running the ship by himself these days, showing off all that he has learned.